Travel Journaling: Your luxury lifestyle compass


Did you know that travel journaling can lead to luxury living at home? The Hotels to Home stylized travel journal is distinctive in that the vacation reflections are focused on our physical response to something, and that something could be anything, rather than about the more obvious landmark photos or meditative thoughts. This is a unique method that will deepen your vacation experiences as well as encourage travel memory delight - long after you’ve arrived back home.

“Create a travel journal of a different sort. A seemingly random contemplation of travel delights. Notice any and every aspect that resonated with you and your hotel adventures. What cultivates your interest, provokes a second glance, or just brings a sense of peace and happiness? “ Hotels to Home. page 69

Travel journaling by a physical response is easy, can be done without any forced recognition, and ultimately leads to increasing at-home lifestyle opulence and happiness. What physical responses should you be keen to observe? As you enjoy hotel stays, take notice of what catches your eye. Where does your eye fall or what begs for a second glance? Record what makes you smile or laugh and be aware of anything that feels, tastes, or smells pleasant. This may sound counter intuitive, but rather than focusing on your vacation environment as you travel, observe yourself. Take note of your physical responses and recognize what is personally meaningful to YOU.

The directives to record anything and everything that prompts a personal response are very important to this travel journal journey because they can lead to key findings you might not have realized mattered prior. Recognize your responses even if you don’t understand why in the moment! The touch of fine sheeting in the guest room that promotes deep sleep. Perhaps a lobby’s ornate light fixture that catches your eye each time you pass by. Do any hotel areas stand out as it relates to the overall aesthetic? Love the smell of the spa? Do you spot a tile mosaic or floral design that always makes you smile? Record everything, no matter how seemingly insignificant or detailed. Get attuned what your body is already signaling is important to your being. Once you have started this type of journaling, begin highlighting any responses happening more than once and/or are similar across multiple hotel stays. A valuable lifestyle theme might be emerging as random reflections begin to tell your personal preference story. Valuable discoveries abound as you excavate your reflections and “connect the dots” along the way. Aha moments will gradually reveal themselves and the travel journals will soon become your personal guide or “concierge” to elevate everyday living.

Here is just a small sampling of how Hotels to Home travel journaling can bring more joy to everyday living. If you notice an attraction to a certain color that happens to pop up in your journal, hotel stay after hotel stay, you can begin adding that color into your home’s decor. Or maybe your notes always mention the hotel coffee station. Perhaps it’s time to create your own at-home morning beverage station complete with a teacup or mug warming drawer to elevate a moment you already know you enjoy. Stonework always catching your eye? Work that into your home’s outdoor landscape design so you are always welcomed home with a lovely vision that pleases you greatly. Part of the fun is discovering a theme, but that quickly followed by the excitement of bringing those themes, as mainstays, into everyday life.

“My travel journal is playful style inspiration.” Hotels to Home, page 70

If you are traveling as a household include the entire group. Hotels to Home travel journaling has an uncanny way of adding to familial intimacy because you learn so much about each other too. Through sharing pictures or reviewing notes one can’t help but gain valuable insight into each household member’s personal preferences. Perhaps your child loved a specific hotel robe or your spouse a particular breakfast offering. Just imagine how you can enhance their everyday living by working these travel journal observations into daily homelife.

Small or sweeping changes can happen when using Hotels to Home travel journal findings within the home. Stay tuned for our next blog where we delve into an interior design project that’s completely based on one household’s travel journaling.

Live like you (love to) travel.

The Concierge